Posted by: playingmanyparts | September 8, 2008

The Joy of the Lord is My Strength – Nehemiah 8:10

Nehemiah 8:10

Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”

Have you ever felt God speaking to you so strongly that all you could do is listen and cry? I often get this, and yesterday during church was one such time. It was one of those moments when I realized that God has a message for me, and he will continue to speak it until I get it. He is so good, and almost mischievous this way. He has been speaking to me all this year about how I need to love him and love others, and he reinforced that message yesterday.

Our sermon was about joy, and specifically Nehemiah 8:10. But if you read Nehemiah 8:1-12 you will get a better feel for what is happening, and why the joy of the Lord is our strength, and what brings about real joy for us. The people of Isreal are encouraged to eat, drink and be joyful AFTER they have heard the law of the Lord, it has been thoroughly explained by their teachers/preachers, and they have wept in repentance. And what do I hear God saying in all of this? Read the Bible, seek its meaning, repent, and then go and share over food and drink to receive real joy. (For further reading on this topic, I really recommend a certain sermon of Charles Spurgeon.)

Want to be happy? Go to church, read your Bible, learn all you can about it, repent of your sin, and then share your table and your time explaining to others what you have learned.

Father, help me make this a way of life. Help me to read your word faithfully, seek its meaning diligently, repent fully, and then share it completely with others. As I do this, fill me with your joy that will strengthen me.


  1. Hey, I just found your blog (google :P) and I just wanted to say it was a great encouragement. The verse at the top meant alot, since right now I’m at my grandmothers funeral, and only the Lord’s strength can get me through this. Thanks for the encouragement, hope you have an awesome week.


    • Carley,
      I am so sorry for your loss! Grandmothers are such a blessing from God, and it is especially hard when God calls them home. I will pray for you now, that God will wrap you in his loving arms and give you lots of happy memories that you can hold on to and share for years to come. I pray for courage and strength and that you will feel loved and cared for by your Heavenly Father today. Take joy today in knowing you are His and He is yours, and that his strength can and will sustain you through the darkest night.

      Blessings new friend!


  2. I just read your blog, even though I understand perfectly what God expects from me. I am so unhappy and my heart is heavy because I’m suppose to be having my traditional wedding (I’m African) tomorrow and my dad does not want to come for it. My prospective in-laws are beginning to think I come from a dysfuntional family. Everything is not going on well right now. My aunties and uncles are mad at, they think I’m too young to get married even though I’m 24 and I earn 3,400 US dollars a month. My nuclear family and in laws have tried to get my dad to see reason and explain the importance of his presence but that seems to be a herculean task.

    Right now, I don’t know what to think, I just want the day to come and go. I want to be happy on the day of the traditional which is tomorrow and church ceremony which comes up in a week with or without my dad.


    • I am so sorry that you are going through such a dark time right now! I don’t want to give you catchy phrases or trite advice, all I can offer really is to pray for you and your situation. I do believe there must be a reason for all that you are going through, and I know that if you are a child of God He has a plan for you that is for your good, but it may take days, months, or even years to see the picture clearly. I would encourage you to continue to pray for your family, and if you know that your marriage is right for you, move forward in love. Please know that someone in the states is praying for you today and wishing you the very best!


    • Hey Anonymous: When I was 18 years old, following graduation from high school, to join the US Navy and get married to my girlfriend who was pregnant with my child. My decisions did not make my mother happy. But they were my decisions. Our decisions are not designed specifically for the purpose of making others happy, although that is our wish. Even when we get input, advise and suggestions from well meaning people, in the end, we must make the decision we feel that is best for us. I wish my mom would have been more supportive that is what I surely needed from her at that important time in my life. My prayer is for your dad to reconsider, but if not, you continue to walk with the Lord, because as Nehemah 8:10 teaches, “the joy of the Lord is your strength”. Be Blessed, Pastor Roberts (incidentally, I’m 67 years old now). . . .


  3. I came across your site while searching for a Bible verse about joy for an Easter card I am writing. What a blessing to know that God is in the details of my life and that He wanted to encourage me by having me read of your return to the Father. The greatest burden of my heart is my daughter Sarah who left God’s path and our home three years ago when she was 18. Through many tears and a journey of pain, God reminds me that He pursues her and loves her more than I do. Thanks for your encouraging site, and may God continue to draw you ever closer to Himself. May your Easter be blessed. He is risen indeed!


    • For some it is a short journey home, for others, a long road of learning to trust and love all over again. God is good though, and his word does endure. His promises are true, and I can tell you that my mother now celebrates the return of all 4 of her children to the flock! Love your daughter as much as you can, and God will do the rest. . .I will pray for you and your daughter Sarah. . .Father, keep Tracy, encourage her, strengthen her and give her hope. Fill her with your peace and help her to love her daughter while she learns to trust in you. Father, bring Sarah home. Keep her safe while she wanders, and when she returns may you bind her to you in an unshakable bond that allows her to glorify you in all she does and may she further your kingdom on Earth in MIGHTY ways. Thank you Father for your faithfulness, grace and mercy. Thank you for the cross. We ask all this in the precious name of our Savior and Friend. . Jesus Christ. . Amen!


  4. It’s difficult watching folk attempting to create their own joy. Trying everything except “Trusting in the Lord with all your heart and don’t lean on your understanding. ” Proverbs 3:5. Our Faith in the Lord will be “watered down” if we adopt the “Do It Yourself” mode. I firmly believe in Praying for one another. The blogger, with wedding plans, mentioning the difficulty endured due to family circumstances. This is a cry for help. As fellow Christians, let’s remember the special need in our Prayers. Pray anytime, GOD is always “on call.” The God we serve can part a sea, turn water into wine, lock lions jaws and protect 3 fellows to withstand “heavy heat,” can heal a family’s differences. Their discontentment, misunderstanding can be turned into joy. If we feed our faith all doubts will starve to death. A great habit to form: Psalms 71:8…” Let my mouth be filled with Praise and Honor( to the Lord) ALL DAY LONG.
    Another thought. Christians receive special “protection ” as we exert faith and trust in the Lord. If we should “sense” a presence near, its true. PSALMS 23: 6 Surely, “GOODNESS and MERCY SHALL FOLLOW ME” ALL THE DAYS of my life…!” I ask you…Doesn’t serving the Lord give Christians a lift only HE can give..! WOW !!! To God be all Honor, Glory and Praise. He great enough to rule the mighty universe…yet…small enough to live within our heart. Should you be reading this…your heart is heavy or there’s special needs in your life that can’t be discussed. Why not take time and Pray this simple Prayer.
    Dear Lord, I need your help ( tell Him your need, situation ). I can’t handle it alone nor tell anyone else. Please give me a special touch. Expressing my feelings, at times, is difficult. I now give you my problem, believing You answer Prayer. If there is sin in my life, please forgive me and accept me as one of your children. Thank you for hearing my Prayer. Amen


    • Very wise words Norm, thank you so much for sharing them, and for the reminder of Gods goodness and mercy!


  5. This post was such a great blessing. Thank you for sharing so candidly. Be blessed!


    • Just sharing as God calls me to, but so glad He used it to bless you also! Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment! Blessings!!


  6. Thanks for this message,i was just feeling down and like lonely and i just thought of reading about the joy of the Lord,and God led me to this site.It has been such an encouragement to me.God bless you.


  7. Thanks for this message,i was just feeling down and like lonely and i just thought of reading about the joy of the Lord,and God led me to this site.It has been such an encouragement to me.God bless you.

    Peace Joweria


    • Joweria,
      Thanks so much for stopping by, and I am so very glad God blessed you! He inspires me in my devotions, and these are just responses to Him, from Him.


  8. To God be the Glory for He is using you to spread the gospel.
    May He continue to annoint you & reveal more of His greatness.
    God bless!


  9. Praise God for using you to encourage me this morning! I was returning an email to a friend and the Lord placed on my heart to add “The joy of the Lord is our strength”. I went to google to find the scripture address and your blog came up as a choice. I had to minimize the site and come back for I felt like crying and the presence of the Lord so strongly in my heart. So I know what you are speaking of in your opening comment that all you can do is “listen” when God is speaking to uniquely to you, and you know it! Keep on sharing the love of God. I feel loved right now!
    God Bless and Use You to His GLORY!


  10. Very sad this morning due to many deaths in the ongoing Libya revolution and the Christchurch, N.Z. earthquake. Needed the joy of the Lord to get me out of my depression and ‘accidently’ read your blog! You wrote that God was speaking to you the whole day (Sept.8,2008) to love Him and love others! It just so happen that my Bible verse for devotion this morning is Matthew 22:37-39. I’m a 64yr old U.S. Veteran asking your readers to pray for Libya and Christchurch.Thankyou for the encouragement and may God bless you! ” T “


    • T,
      So glad you stopped by “accidentally!” Isn’t GOD awesome! He is the same yesterday, today and forever. His word continues to speak to us as we reflect, memorize and read it. We must find our joy in Him and in serving others. I will indeed pray for Libya and Christchurch and ask that anyone else reading this would do the same.



      • what is the joy of the lord


      • Lynda,
        I can only tell you what I believe it to be from the reading of all of Nehemiah 8. I believe here that the joy of the Lord is in the reading, studying, learning, understanding His word and then offering thanksgiving for all he has revealed. The people were gathered here to read his Word and have it explained to them. They then offered praise and were about to celebrate a great feast together to celebrate God. I believe it is really talking about how the discovery of God is pure joy to our souls.

        I know that I feel this way often after really struggling with a particular verse (like I did this one actually). I read something, pray for understanding, search for answers, pray, praise, and then try to be quiet while in the Word and often come out a with a much deeper understanding of what God is trying to teach me, and it is a joy like none other. When God is near after really studying his word or through heart wrenching prayer, there is a joyful peace that is hard to explain. I believe this is the joy the people of God were experiencing here. The joy of knowing God, and getting a small glimpse of his glory.

        But I encourage others to join in and help Lynda with this question. . .


  11. Was feeling a bit frustrated abt my life,regarding my marriage,its in turmoil,i dont want to go back to it animore,he has already introduced his new partner to his family,we are nt speaking,wanted to kol him abt divorce,was advised by a friend nt to talk abt it and let GOD intervene,while wrestling with my thoughts,Neh 8:10 came to my heart,i googled it and came to yo site,feel better now for i am guaranteed GODs Divine intervention and HIS joy is my strength,Amen!!!!


    • It is so hard to remember this verse when our lives are in turmoil. . I do understand that. But God really is good, and He is able to help us through the very darkest of nights! I have been in the dark myself in the past and remember days when only God’s grace got me through. Cling to Him with everything you have and the dark will pass and the light will come again. I will pray for you, you are not alone. God loves you so very much. He will be your strength! Blessing friend!!


  12. Great post…fresh perspective, I’ve been studying this all week. I’m definitely going to write about it, Thanks for the inspiration. Love E


  13. But”Seek first the kingdom andHis righteousness,and all these thinds shaa be added to you


  14. Mathew 6:33


  15. Hello,This sunday morning,i’m feeling very sad,lonely,i want to laugh,to cry,but tears d’idn’t come.actuelly i really don’t know what to do.first someone is staying in my appartment which i rent with them but don’t want to leave even to pay me.i do everything i can for them but in vain.otherpart someone owes me money and don’t want to pay.i’ve open a kindergarten but it doesn’t work like we were expecting,i cannot paid everything i’s like everything is falling on me,i’m feeling very very down that’s why i’m on internet,need someone to pray for me for my situation pls .thankyou.GOG BLESS YOU.


  16. today’s church message was about joy in our lives. ture joy comes from God. i heard the minister say, that the joy of the Lord is my strength and i could not find this verse immediately in my Bible, so i went to the computer and your blog came up.
    i was encouraged as i was reading your message, which complemented the teaching i heard this morning.
    my God be the glory in all of our lives to those who love and serve Him.
    may we find true joy in Him by reading His word and sharing what we learn with others. this is a privilege as children of our Lord Jesus Christ to partake in His ministry that we my know Him more and make Him known, that we may also know real joy.
    may God continue to bless you as you bless others.

    ruby m.


  17. I used to be soo stressed,I always get dipressed when i think of the future,but now I have faith in my Lord and knowing that His joy is my strength.


  18. Did a search on “the joy of the Lord” and found this. Want to compliment you, Well said. Your post has added a savory portion to my meal this morning. I encourage you to keep up His work as it edifies the saints. God Bless You.


    • Thanks for reading, and even more for commenting. I am so glad to have been used. . . . and thanks too for the encouragement! Blessings on your day!


  19. This is really great!


    • Thank you so much for letting me know this spoke to you. I enjoy your site and ideas too!


  20. The Joy of the Lord is My Strength….!!The Joy of this World is my weakness….!!


  21. really powerful blog of yours, really touches the heart of those who will read it, and i now it touches the LORD’s heart too.

    God bless !


    • Thanks so much for stopping by and for leaving such nice comments! I am so humbled that God uses these words to touch others. . but He is good and He does still speak!


  22. The joy of the lord shall nd ill b ur strength. thank God who has given you this nice post to share with ppl here keep it up


  23. before i go pls pray for me that God should compass me with joy from above 4get it not please very important to me love youcplayingmanyparts nd all you commenter


    • You have been prayed for my friend. . .may you have real joy that comes from knowing and following Him!



  24. So neat to see so many responses and stories that people have shared with you just from this one simple post you made three years ago! God uses little things and regular people. Your post was a blessing to me as I clicked through to the Spurgeon sermon and was humbled and encouraged. Soli Deo Gloria!


    • I agree! I am so amazed at what he does! He is just so good. Thanks for dropping in and posting such a great note!

      For His glory and His honor!


  25. My mom passed away Aug 1st. She was beyond the “BEST”mom ever. She was my best friend and my 3 young daughters adored her. While my brother, father and I were discussing things to be said at her graveside, this passage popped into my thoughts. I told the pastor I often would sing the song to my girls at bed time, I’ve even used the verse when walking through a tough discipline time with my oldest daughter. Didn’t know how he could use it . . . At the graveside, he totally used the verse and even had a acoustical guitar and we all sang the song. My girls eyes lit up because they “knew” the song. I wasn’t aware there we other verses. Although it was a difficult time, God is good and brought comfort and strength to us all. I have clung to this verse over the last several weeks and I’m sure I will continue. It was neat to see God work – unknowingly teaching my small children that song in “happy” times, then able to cling to it in the tough times. Thank you Jesus.


    • Cari,
      Thanks so much for sharing this amazing story! God is sooooo good in how he provides all we need exactly when we need it. What an encouragement to us all!

      May God continue to bless you and your family!


  26. Hi Annette

    1. Last night’s church service, the topic is about Developing Spiritual Roots – Radical Joy.
    2. We sang the songs God Is So Good & The Joy of The Lord Is My Strength.
    3. I was trying to search for the songs and came across your website & i find it very encouraging and motivating for my spiritual life. Thank God I Found You.
    4. From last night’s service, i realise there is no joy in me for the past decade. Nothing excites me spiritually and day to day is just routine.
    5. Pastor said we have to analyse and rectify the situation as Christians are supposed to be joyful.
    6. This is what i am trying to do right now.

    Have a great day Annette.


    • Johnny,
      So glad you found encouragement here and pray you will find joy in the Lord again! His mercies are many, and his love is never changing forever and ever! Even in the worst circumstances, there are people he sends us, verses he gives us, and little ways to find joy in the moment if we but turn to thanksgiving and an attitude that is grateful for the small things, like a breath this morning. Radical Joy is something I am still working on, but I do believe that we are most joyful when we are most focused on him and less on ourselves. Perhaps a new ministry or a new way to serve God somehow could bring you joy?

      Keep seeking after Him and He will bless you!

      In Christ,


  27. For a number of years, my mother recited this verse with my multi-handicapped sister at bedtime. One year ago my mother learned she had colon cancer. As the doctor explains her prognosis, she recites over and over and over – “The joy of the Lord is my Strength.” Six months later, last February 17, my mother passed away. For our family, it is the greatest loss we have ever experienced. We all have a glass cross etched with the verse hanging in our homes. Each day I repeat the words as I gaze at the cross, sometimes smiling and other times with tears of grief. They were Mom’s words that we heard so many times as we cared for her until the end. I found your page as I was looking for the specific chapter and verse. Thank you for your message.


    • Diane,
      Your Mom must have been one very special lady. . .and what an incredible blessing to you! To hear this verse over and over again is a wonderful legacy to pass along. While I am so very sorry for your loss, you must take comfort in the fact that your Mom is now praising her heavenly father in person, and is now beginning to really understand what the joy if the Lord really is.

      May God continue to bless and keep you! And may He help you use His joy for strength here and now!


  28. Hi, Thanks from Brasil for this great message, I am studying the real joy and
    found your Blog, keep doing this great job, talk about the God’ s word is the
    most important task, I have tried let the word works in me. Have a nice day Annette.


    • Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment Ana! May God continue to bless your life!


  29. The car commecial is so wrong on a christian devotional page. Thank you for the devotion.


  30. Annette,

    I am also a prodigal. last year I fell in deep sin while a member of Christ’s church. I openly confessed to some of my church leaders of my sin unbeknownst to them. I could have gotten away without anyone knowing. Perhaps that was God’s grace as my sinful nature was put right in front of my face. It taught me that “I” wasn’t as strong as I thought and I am learning that I cannot do it withou the Lord. It was also by His grace that I remain a member at my church as another was kicked out. Though I asked for forgiveness and knowledge wise I know I have been forgiven, it has been a long struggle combating my own codemnation and for me to come to a place where I can once again feel comfortable at my church.

    I could have walked away from my church, and thrown away all that struggle. I could have lived the life of the world and embraced all it’s psychobable about empowering the self. But God’s mercy has kept me where I am at so that eventually I will come out for His purpose. I thank and praise Him for that.

    somewhere in my activities today that portion of scripture at the top of this page was brought to my attention. “The joy of the Lord is my strength”. It has been on my mind and so I decided to research it out on the net and like others came accross your blog. It has been a nice little gem for me and helps me in this struggle. Especially you pointing out Spurgeon’s special sermon regarding this topic. His sermon will give me excellent food to chew and digest and meditate on. I thank God that He has given me this blessing through you !

    Rey- Salt Lake City, Utah


    • Rey,
      What an awesome testimony you have! I pray right now that God will continue to give you love, joy, strength and courage to face your sin, your past and your future. He is so good and faithful when we repent and call out to Him. May He bless you on your journey and may it all bring you straight to Him.

      We all sin, it is the repenting and going back to God that makes all the difference, I believe you are on the right path, may God continue to guide your steps.

      Humbling serving our King,


  31. I love this verse from Nehemiah. I was googling the verse to get the exact chapter and verse and it brought me to your blog. During the Christmas Holiday I had a little notebook with this verse on it that I gave to my mom. She has been going through some things – really the whole family with her, and I encouraged her to cling to that verse. I decided that it might be a good verse for 2012 – my theme verse if you will. Recently our pastor preached a sermon about Joy and how the joy of the Lord is where our peace and happiness come from. I needed that reminder! I also wanted a word to focus on for 2012 and that verse kept coming to me. I know that just simply resting in his joy is what I need to focus on during this season of my life. Then this evening I came across your devotional which gave me more to think about in relation to this verse and joy, so that kind of confirms it! I think my 2012 word is Joy and this verse is the theme verse. I can’t think of a better reminder of who we are in God. It is exciting to see people still commenting on this one post after all this time! God bless you!


  32. Thanks for the post. I googled the joy of the Lord is our strength and it led me here; I couldn’t remember where the quote was from. I have a life changing illness that I have so far kept quiet so most friends don’t realise what is going on. Our church is fasting and praying for 40 days and it is difficult for me to join in because of being tired and weak. Last night at a prayer meeting I said to the Lord, I just don’t feel anything at the moment apart from weak and the Lord replied clearly The joy of the Lord is your strength and with that I started smiling, and laughing. Similar thing happened a few weeks ago; I was feeling a bit down because of the illness and I asked God to restore to me the joy of my salvation and then I just couldn’t stop laughing. Joy is powerful and always there; not a mere nice state of being happy but a deeper happiness of the Holy Spirit of God himself that overcomes our difficulties because he is not depressed and he never ever goes away. I have no problem with facing death because I really do look for the far better life to come, in fact I’m not sure yet that I will die of this, but living with it will be harder. What a great opportunity to let the Lord reveal his strength through my weakness. Now, I’m off to read Nehemiah 8. Thanks again; God bless you and all your readers.


    • Dave thank you so much for sharing with me! I believe God will use your illness to bless many others, as he has me today. I am praying right now for God to bless you mighty ways! May his joy radiate through you!!


  33. so beautiful… thank you for this!


  34. Hello Annette,

    The Lord gave me this verse again the other day and I’m gad I googled it.
    The testimonies on this page just show us how strong, yet tender and personable the Lord is. This is a great ministry Annette.

    Trevor – Australia


  35. I really needed to here from God and I praise GOD for your web site on my atrix I was begining to think my smartphone was a device controled by the devil himself. be blessed and continue your ministry in reaching those of us, who accidently get your web link


  36. I have been so blessed by you blog post.. I want to have the joy of the Lord, that’s why I googled it and found this post. God bless you and you continue to encourage His flock. May the Lord hear each of us and answer to our individual needs.


  37. dear Annette,
    My name is William. I need help and need some answers to things, i have consistently been living the truth. I am trying to become a living sacrifice, because i feel as though God wont listen to me until i do. i have many doubts that have gotten into my brain, i need help with this. I need help with my depression. i need a lot of prayer, i am 17. I am young in my walk with God but i have been put through a very difficult life, and i understand that you have a lot of people that do need serious help, idk how i even found this page to be honest. But obviously it was the will of God to bring me to it. i have always lost the people i loved, and in turn i don’t really trust very easily. My mother died when i was 1 and my father left me soon there after. I live with my grandmother who is an amazing woman. but now i dont feel any emotion or anything.. i am going to the doctor this week. But i have prayed for God to show up and speak to me.. Because icant hear him. i dont know why and am hoping that he shows up. But i am at a very difficult time in my life and need answers to things. if God has given you anything to say or has given you any kind of vision or something. please get in touch with me, ill even let you call me if it is something of importance and can help me. i am asking for prayer more then anything. that is what i need and am hoping all of you who read this will pray for me..


    • William,
      I am so sorry for the hurt and loss you have known at such a young age! I can’t imagine your pain. I have already prayed for you, that God would heal your hurt, show you love, and send you flesh and blood people to love and care for you.

      I don’t have any special connection to God, let me make that clear. God is a wonderful, scarey, awesome mystery to me, and I believe He intends to be. He does not speak to me directly, but through his word and through prayer I feel His presence and begin therefore to sometimes understand part of His will for me. God does listen to us, and I know of no place in the Bible where it says we must sacrifice anything before coming to him. We are to come to Him as we are. . .and he will meet us. In Matthew 11:28-30 He says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

      It is my humble belief that in our times, God speaks the loudest when we are in His word. Get out your Bible and read as often and as much as possible. God is not a genie in a bottle, and His timing is not always our timing. I too went through a few years where God seemed quiet and I had to struggle and fight just to go on day to day. But I continued to pray, I read my Bible, and little by little through His word and His church and His people I began to heal and to grow and it did eventually get better. My questions got answered, and God continues to reveal Himself to me a little at a time.

      Read your Bible. Journal about what you hear in those words, be still and see if you can hear God whispering through His word.

      I do pray that you continue knocking at His door! Jesus says in Matthew 7:7-8, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” If you are unsure where to start reading, perhaps start with the 4 Gospels, and begin in Matthew.

      I pray God draws near!


    • Hi William, I am new to this site, and I was reading your email. First of all although it is 2 years later, I will be praying for you. I understand where you were at that time, for I have experienced what you were dealing with at that time. It is my prayer that you allow God to be your strength, and you have made it through those rough waters.

      Praying for you!


  38. I was reading this scripture this morning (Nehemiah 8) it really encouraged me.


  39. This was a awesome blog. As I was reading it I begin to think about my love for Christ and the joy that I once had serving him and being a blessing to others. I had to ask myself did I still carry myself as the same greatful woman that I was when I first got saved? As I repented and ask God to please forgive me if my attitude has been not as it should be and to please fill be once again with his joy that I may look forward to doing his work for his names sake.. Thank you Jesus that your word is always right on time..


    • Jamie,
      I have indeed found in my walk too that He is a Right-on-time God! His mercies never fail, and he is so faithful to forgive us when we seek Him and repent. Blessings friend on your walk. . .glad you back on board and ready to serve and bless others. . .I find true joy mostly when I am serving others for my God!! Keep up the good work, and continue reading and drawing near to Him!


  40. Must take a moment and add my expression of thanks for your obvious willingness to write the blog, some 4 years ago. I’ll not write much except to say I’m using FB for writing a daily “blog” and believe the move of God in this day is for total surrender and in this one finds ‘the joy of the Lord.” Thanks!


    • Jeff,
      So glad you found it! Best of luck with your blog. . there can never be enough of them that speak the truth! Total surrender is so hard, but it does lead (in my humble experience) to lasting joy in Him! Many blessings!!


  41. I am up in the 330am part of night, praying about my wife’s new breast cancer diagnosis and our part in this new development. This verse brought me to your site as I looked for reference to ‘JOY of the Lord being our strength’ Now I know where it is and also blessed by your insight and humility. My dear wife knows the JOY, thankfully long before doctors diagnosis.
    Under the Mercy Seat,


    • Jeff,
      I just prayed for you and your wife. I have had some health issues myself and understand the fear not so much of God not being there, but just what he will need to bring us through. My heart goes out to you both. I pray that God will draw so very near to you both at this time and that through the storm you both survive and thrive and grow and come through it all deeply rooted in your faith and in your marriage. God no doubt has given her you to help her through this. . .so I pray for strength and courage for you. May God give you everything you need to be Jesus to her! I will continue to pray for healing for your wife from the Great Physician!!


  42. The Joy of the Lord is my Strength, amen…when i need this word of God, and you gave to others, its such a Joy..praise the Lord! thank you, you are blessing ,


  43. I just stumbled on your blog when I was trying to find the scripture on the joy of the Lord. With every statement you made in your responses to to people here, I could feel your heart–your endeared heart for the people! Your wisdom is amazing!!!! I cant just but wonder at you!! You are such a huge blessing!! You blessed me immensely!!!! Lots of hugs xxxx…


    • Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting! You encourage me to get back to writing, so I will this weekend for sure.

      I did want to take a moment though and say that it is not my wisdom here, and I do not want to take any credit at all. As I read back through all of this, I believe that it was not me writing to these folks, but God speaking a message to His children. I promise you, I am not at all capable of such love or any sort of wisdom. I have prayed that God would use me in all I do and say and believe that He does just that. Anything that seems wise here is probably of God, and anything that seems less gracious is probably from me. But thank you so much for the kind words! They do inspire me to continue on if God is using me.


  44. thank you


  45. Very true. I have already sat down in the living room and just started asking God some very real questions about my past. And as I heard Him say, I was right there with you my dear, I just wept.


  46. Good morning! (Indian Time)

    Thank you for your word of encouragement to seek Him first and His joy being our strength! I am troubled by the doubts of life here and there but also at the same time, I see our Lord reaching His hand to me. It is tough when my focus is not on the Lord. God has called me to maturity and I am looking forward to this year!

    A big God bless you to you!

    All the way from India
    Dylan Syiem


  47. I am blessed wit this message


  48. i love the verse


  49. thank you very much for this post. Last night as I was praying God gave me this verse specifically. I could not undersstand what the “Joy of the Lord” is, i thought of asking a friend but I was not sure so I just thought I would google it up and I come across your blog. Thank you very much and thank you every one who shared on this verse. For sure from now own – only the Joy of the Lord will be my strength and nothing else!


  50. Hello everything seems to be going good for me but lots of times I feel so empty, I know that I need to read the bible daily, pray consistently and commune with God but it seems that I let other things such as work, chores, wifely and motherly duties interfere. Please pray for me because my desire is to closer to GOD and therefore be a better person and have complete joy in my heart.


  51. Thank you so much for this blog. I am born again,and love serving God. And I serve His people,feeding the poor,providing clothes,praying for souls,evangelising and turning many to His kingdom and I am grateful for God to use me. Lately things have not been going well especially financially,as i am typing this I have a rental over due in 2days and I have no idea where the money will come from. I woke up to study the Word and came across your blog,thank you so much,I am joyful and as I read through every post and your responses I related and I was comforted. May God continue giving you the Wisdom.


    • Thanks so much for sharing. I can tell you from personal experience that when we are faithful, our physical needs are met. I am praying that God will provide everything you need!


  52. It is so powerful yes, all that was left out is this… must also receive Christ as personal saviour together with all else that was mentioned. A personal relationship with Jesus is where it all starts


    • Louis,
      Sorry, yes of course that is first and foremost! I believe the reason I didn’t mention that here is that I was really talking to believers who have already received Christ. Thanks for the all important reminder though for those that may not already be Christ followers. The key to any Joy in the LORD is a humble submission to Jesus Christ as the acknowledged LORD of your life. The first key to happiness and lasting joy, I believe, is faith alone in Christ alone!! Thanks for stopping in and sharing that CRUCIAL piece!!


  53. I came across this blog while searching in google for smt about the joy of the Lord.God is good even in trials and tribulations He’s still good.The last time I went to church was early 2011,the reason is I live at home with my family because I’m unemployed at the moment,my mother is not a Christian and no one in my family is allowed to go to church,but at night I read my bible and pray silently.In this challenge God is with me and He is the source of my strength.


  54. Its a blessing to know the real source of joy(JESUS).GOD BLESS.


  55. I just found your blog while looking for a bible verse to cheer up my elderly sick patient/sister-in Christ. She has been a Christian all her life; now she is getting despondent. The Lord led me to Jeremiah 3: 21-26. I wrote it out by hand to give to her today. The verse says: this I recall to mind, therefore have I hope. It is of The Lord mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not; they are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion saith my soul ; therefore will I hope in Him. The Lord is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of The Lord. End of verse.

    I was looking for the verse which says “the joy of The Lord is my strength”
    It’s great to find people who love The Lord like I do.


    • Welcome “Singing Heart” so glad you found us! What a portion of scripture you have added, thank you so much for sharing it!! It isn’t always easy, but I find that the harder I seek him for my joy, the deeper and lasting the joy when I find it. Keep seeking after him, and I will pray for your patient and our sister in Christ!!

      Blessing on you and your work!


  56. God bless you


  57. God is good all the time;he’s faithful and true.I was involved in hijack on my way back from church after bible study.Was shot in the stomach and my car and all it’s contents stolen.Spent almost 3months in hospital and during this period I kept asking questions,why did this happen?.Had to go to rehab to learn how to walk and cope with my disability as I can’t walk properly;the bullet reached my spinal cord.Now that I’m out of hospital;I’ve realised that if it wasn’t for God’s mercy and grace,I could’ve been dead now.Though it’s hard dealing with my present condition,I still know he’s good and faithful and I desire more than ever to know him more.
    I got to my office this morning and while searching for a scripture,I came across your blog.”The joy of the lord is my strength”,I feel encouraged right now.Psalms 23:4″Yea,though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,I will fear no evil:for thy rod and staff they comfort me”.Many a times as Christians we feel we’re ‘immuned’ from bad experiences;we don’t always have all the answers to our predicaments but GOD knows it all.He’s knows our past,present and future.Yieldind ourselves completely to him and holding nothing back;desiring with all earnesty that let His will be done and not our will.

    God bless you

    Jude Mokosso
    Capetown(South Africa).


    • Welcome and thank you so much for sharing your amazing story! May God be with you and bless you richly!!


  58. I love the simple question, what is the joy of The Lord, and the simple answer . I am blessed. Saw your blog first time today. Blessed be God.


  59. thanks for the sharing. can you be sharing with me direct to my email?


  60. Your testimony touched my soul! Yes, I have experienced God speaking to me so strongly that I have wept uncontrollably. I have gone through and am currently going through situations, where I can only lean on God’s strength. By leaning on his strength, I have found joy in him, even in the midst of the storm. I am sitting on the floor (where I sleep) in an empty bedroom having my personal devotion, when this scripture popped in my mind (The joy of the Lord is your strength). I couldn’t remember where it was in scripture so I googled it, and click on this site. It is no accident that I was led to this particular site at this particular time. I would like to share my testimony to as many people that would like to listen.

    The year 2013 has been a living hell on earth for me. This was probably one of the worst years in my entire life. My daughter and I had been very close for 28 years of her life. We were inseparable; always together, travelled together, supported each other, plan dinner engagements, baked and cooked together, laughed and cried together, act silly together, watched movies and shopped together, surprising each other with special occasions and gifts, and talked and laughed about some of her dates.

    Beginning of 2013, she met a young man that captured her mind. In the beginning I had reservation about him, but then I thought perhaps I was being too judgmental. As I began to pray for their relationship, God had begun to open my eyes to ungodly ways of her male friend. I brought this to my daughter’s attention several times. I began to feel a sense of distance between us, and notice that my daughter’s demeanor and actions had begun to change towards me. The time spent together had diminished considerably, the talks and laughter began to subsided, Movie night and shopping together were almost obsolete, the travelling/vacationing together had completely stopped, dinner engagements was growing less and less, the intimate conversation we had shared became obsolete and the laughter seemed to be no more. My heart began to feel heavy and I shared my concerns with my daughter, but her response to me made me feel that I was unimportant in her life. I began to speak with God intensely about what I have been observing and what I should do (if anything). I felt I was losing my daughter to someone that had a controlling spirit and that was being controlled by the enemy himself.

    A situation arises at a birthday party my daughter had for her boyfriend. I remembered vividly that God made it clear to me that evening, my daughter was treading on shaky grounds with this young man and I was to warn her. After much prayer, I finally spoke to her a couple of days later per the Lord instructions.

    Long story short…my daughter rejected me and the wisdom, knowledge and warning signs from God. I felt so defeated by the enemy, broken/crushed and confused that I wanted to give-up by taking my own life. I felt that I had lost the closes thing to me and nothing could ever replace that void in my heart.

    In my brokenness, I fell into a deep depression. I had decided to move out. I began looking for a place to live. I found a room for rent. I began packing all my things preparing for the move. All of a sudden the bottom of my life fell out! All in one week, I lost all financial income, my car died and needed a new engine, the room I found for rent fell through, my ministry took a downward spiral and I had moved all my furniture into storage because the room I had found to rent was furnished. So now I was left in a world of turmoil not knowing what to do, where to go or who to go to. I recalled me falling down on my knees with such an emptiness and sickening felling in my gut, all I could do was scream and cry out to God asking “why, why, why!” Please come and rescue me! I was fearful, broken, lonely, vulnerable, and dealing with the horrible pain of rejection. I pleaded with God to do something. I begin crying out some of his promises…”You would never leave me nor forsake me….You will not give me more than I can bear…I am the head and not the tail…I will trust in the Lord with all thine heart and etc. My world of fun, joy and excitement with someone that was so precious to my heart, did a 180 degree turn in matter of days. I became angry, resentful, bitter and withdrawn. I found myself in a world by myself wrestling for answer, comfort and peace.

    At some point during this devastation time in my life I literally heard God speak to me and said “Be still and know that I am God. I am exalted among the nations, and I am exalted among the earth.” I didn’t want to be still, I wanted out of this situation. But every time I would try to get out of it myself, I continue hearing his voice, Be still and know that I am God…” With great exhaustion and with a rebellious attitude I finally decided to listen to the voice of God and became still and know that he is God.

    In my fragile and weaken state, I began to weep and plea with God for his forgiveness, grace, mercy and strength. Every time that small still voice would ring in my ears…”Be still and know I am God”, I knew it was Him trying to get through to me by having me be still so I would listen to him. I began to weep as if I was mourning, because I knew that God was speaking to me. Every day that came and gone I felt stronger and stronger. As time passed on, God gave me a vision, and my focus begun to shift off of my pathetic state of mind and onto God’s presence. Once my focus was on him my world opened up to God having his way with me, regardless of the circumstances.

    Since, October of 2013 my circumstances haven’t changed. I still don’t have an income, nor my car, a place to move into, ministry hasn’t regroup and all furniture is currently in storage (as a matter of fact, I am sleeping on the floor). Every time I would ask God, if he want me to bring everything back into my daughter’s home, I hear this small voice say…”Be still and know that I am God.” So without reservation, I have been obedient to that voice. Although my circumstances has not change my focus has, and because of that, I have been experiencing, “The joy of the Lord is my strength.”

    In the midst of the storm, I have learned to praise him and lift his name on high. I can truly say from the bottom of my heart that, “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” If not, you would not be receiving this email from me, and I would not be able to endure going through the treacherous rivers of life.

    I encourage those who are in the midst of the storm, let go and let the joy of the Lord be your strength.


    • Amanda, I am crying along with you and so touched by the sincerity and depth of your struggle and how God has responded to you. I can relate to your dark place and time due to a similar situation I went through myself but with a spouse a long time ago. While that time was horrible, and I wouldn’t go back there for anything, what I learned about my Heavenly Father and the closeness that came as a result of that struggle was by far the most profitable time of my life. To know Him and be known by Him is the most important thing. There are lessons here and heart changes that God can only do in this struggle. I know that doesn’t ease the pain, but we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, in His time and in His way once we have conformed to what He is making us to be.

      I will pray for strength and for peace and for patience during all of this. Abide in Him and He will bring you through.


  61. I thank you for responding and for your caring and nurturing spirit. What I’ve learn through this trial, is to praise God in the midst of your storm, trust and believe in him, and not to waver in our faith.

    God is a just God and an unchanging God! It’s important to me that I allow Jesus Christ to rule over my life, no matter if I’m in a dark place or not. He is the only one that can give me the peace in the midst of my trials.

    It’s amazing to do service for others, when they don’t know that you are in the same boat their in. I find the joy of the Lord by helping others (even in the midst of all of this) and spreading God’s love and his word. Most of the times I forget about my personal storms because of my assisting others. Because I know who I serve, I am not worry about me. I lean on God’s promises (I will supply all your needs according to his riches and glory). My faith is that of a mustard seed, knowing God will take care of me, however he wants me to take care of others for Him in the mean time. This gives me so much joy and peace.

    The vision that he gave me during the lowest point of my life had such a great impact on me that I vow that I will remain faithful to him no matter what, because he shown me where I was during the vision… in “His arms” the “Ark of Safety.”


  62. am blessed would like to get your email


    • So glad God used this to bless you. Have added my email address to the contact information. Many blessings!


  63. Yes I enjoyed the reading , I’m currently going through a divorce ❗ 31yrs of marriage to my beautiful wife. She has many issues in her life and has given up on are marriage ❗ please pray for her Laura that god will re-awake her joy and love for him !


    • I am so very sorry to hear this! I can’t imagine your pain. I have prayed for Laura, that God will restore and renew her; that he will return to her the joy of her salvation and that what he has joined he will renew. Many blessings to you. . .remain in Him and He will be with you always helping you in all things.


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